According to the "Checklist of Required Initial Evidence for Immediate Relatives and Family-Based Preference Form I-485 Applicants", and I-864 MAY be required,

  • Form I-864, Affidavit of Support (if required);

Since this is "The Checklist" for an I-485, how do I know if it is required or not?

1 Answer 1


In the I-485 instructions, page 12, it describes whether I-864 Affidavit of Support is required. Basically, I-864 is required for almost all family-based cases, as well as in the small percentage of employment-based cases where the employer is 5% or more owned by the beneficiary's relative. It is not needed in other categories. 7 USCIS-PM A.6(D)(2) and 9 FAM 601.14-3 have more information on which categories are required to file I-864.

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