Good afternoon and best wishes to all who help in this forum :)
Here is my situation:
I currently work for Company AAA in my home country.
I was interviewed by Company BBB last February 2017, signed a contract with them, and they have sponsored my H1B visa 2018 application. I believe the H1B lottery has taken place last April 11, 2017 but results are yet to start coming out (being on the regular pool I expect that news if I got selected come until mid-June? And if selected it takes another 2 months to know if my case is approved - so wait until August?)
Now in my home a local Company CCC has a great job offer for me. And for the purpose of sharpening my skills I want to temporarily join this Company CCC.
My plan is: If my H1B is not selected and approved then I will stay for good at Company CCC. If otherwise, of course I go with H1B with Company BBB and will resign at Company CCC.
- I have B1/B2 multiple entry Visa. Now if I join Company CCC, it is very possible that they will ask me to go to the US for 3 months on B1 (Business) Visa. Possible timeline will be early June until late August 2017.
I might be asked by Company CCC to travel to the US from June- August on B1/B2 Visa. Given this, below are my questions:
If Company CCC will ask me to travel to the US on B1/B2 Visa, assuming I got selected in the lottery. Will it affect my H1B application?
Given it is already April 29, 2017, and I am still awaiting for H1B lottery results. If I join Company CCC, will it have any effect on my H1B in case I get selected? Will the interviewer at the US consular office ask why I had a short stay at Company CCC?
If my H1B case is selected and approved, can I only take the H1B Visa interview in my home country? May I also request to take it while in the US assignment for CCC (assuming I am already being required by Company BBB)?
Thank you in advance.