I will take up studies in the UK this fall. Everything I have read about using a car a couple of months ago suited me very well. I was certain that according to the following website, I could use a car with foreign number plates for up to twelve months as a student. https://www.gov.uk/importing-vehicles-into-the-uk/temporary-imports
Now I just checked back some days ago and the text must have been changed. More precisely I am pretty sure the sentence went like this before
You might be able to use a vehicle with foreign number plates for longer than 6 months if one of the following apply:
And now goes like this
You might be able to use a vehicle with foreign number plates for longer than 6 months if all of the following apply:
Now, one would need to fulfill THREE criteria in order to be able to drive with foreign number plates for more than six months.
These would be
- you normally live outside the EU
- you’re in the UK for a set period as a student or worker
- you claim relief from VAT and duty
Then again, the website of the EU states something entirely different, namely that EU students that go on to study in the UK do not have to register at all and don't worry about anything for the duration of their studies. http://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/vehicles/registration/taxes/united-kingdom/index_en.htm
Does anyone know what the currently applied procedure is? And how would you proof this when stopped by the police in the UK?
Lastly, as a follow up question in case I have actually to change plates after 6 months: What would be the procedure and costs? I don't really find my way through the jungle of english bureaucracy..