Regular bank accounts in France don't carry interest. Opening a bank account might not be the easiest task when you arrive in France (as you will discover, France has a way to make admin tasks hell on Earth). Especially if you don't speak French. I'd look into opening a bank account with an online bank, like ING Direct (or others, that's the only one that comes to mind right now).
Your money transferred from overseas won't be taxed per se (and if you leave it on a current account, it won't accrue interest and thus you won't be taxed on that). Been there done that.
A point of note. The French tax authorities have the nasty habit of helping themselves to your bank account if they deem you owe them money. After a year in France, you will have to fill out a tax return, and they'll let you know whether you have to pay tax. Failure to do so (if, for example, you leave France), will lead to a few reminders, and then, magically, the amount will be deducted from your bank account. Again, been there done that... So if you leave France after your studies, remember to close your account.