I am Asian, and I have lived in the UK for one year now. There have been a few occasions where I met some young people sneering at me. This has happened to my wife as well, when she was out with the children. Just yesterday, I was walking with my children, and some teenage girls by the road said hello and konichiwa to us. I said hello back, but they laughed. I continued walking. I remember meeting one of the girls not long ago on the steps just beside our home when I was passing by. At that time I said, "Excuse me," and was laughed at. I did not respond. On the previous other occasions when people sneered at me, I did not respond. One of these happened within the university complex where I work.
While the very pleasant people our family has met and befriended with in this country definitely outnumber those few who are not as pleasant, I think it is affecting me to some extent. This is not something new to me, as I grew up as a minority in my home country. But having lived in other countries for several years where I hardly encountered the same, I have now to live again in some fear, knowing that some people do not see me as themselves.
I guess this is something I have to live with, being a non local, and there is nothing I can do about it. But I am interested to know how others, who have had the same experience, cope. This question is meant to be general, not limited to Asians.