Whether you or your daughter or your husband can settle in the UK is a complicated question. The answer(s) depend(s) on the interaction of each of your individual citizenships, and the UK's visa policy.
- UK Citizenship (called "British Citizenship" in UK governmental documents) is itself a complex issue, as British citizenship depends on the interaction of the date and location of an individual's birth (and sometimes the date and location of the individual's parents' birth(s), as well as any intervening processes (i.e., naturalization, adoption, or registration) that may have occurred, all within the framework of a changing set of UK laws applied to a changing set of what constitutes "the UK." A reasonable overview may be found in the Wikipedia article on British Nationality. You may also find this UK government webpage useful; it provides an automated response to the "Am I a British Citizen?" question.
- UK visa policy are the laws that address which individuals require a visa to enter the UK (or may enter visa-free), and what activities (living, working, receiving public assistance) may be engaged in for what period of time. This too is complicated. A non-governmental overview can be found on this Wikipedia page. The UK government provides another click-through webpage to address an individual's need for a visa.
As a British citizen, you have a Right of Abode in the UK; that is, you may enter the UK to live, work, and so on. You do not need a visa; upon arrival in the UK, present your British passport to UK Immigration to demonstrate your British citizenship, and you will be allowed entry.
Your daughter may (or may not) be a British citizen, depending upon the circumstances surrounding your acquisition of British citizenship. If you were born in the UK, or naturalized in the UK, or adopted in the UK, or registered in the UK, then your daughter is a British citizen as well, and also has the Right of Abode. You can apply online for a British passport for her.
Marrying a British citizen, however, does not confer either British citizenship or a Right to Abode on your husband. As a Kenyan citizen, he will require a visa to enter the UK. You can check the UK Government's "Do I Need a Visa" page for more information.
Moving to the UK with (or to join) a British citizen spouse will be very difficult for your husband. Because a non-UK-citizen may obtain "settled status" (that is, a right to remain in the UK, and after even more hurdles, British citizenship) after some years' legal presence under a visa, visa requirements are very substantial. The legal requirements to obtain a Family Visa are shown on this UK government page. The application fees are significant. Note that a Family Visa cannot be sought (absent a few special circumstances) from within the UK, but can only be applied-for by an applicant outside the UK.
Your husband might instead seek a visitor visa for entering the UK. This will be an even more difficult road. UKVI will look for the applicant to demonstrate significant ties to his country of citizenship, such that he will actually leave the UK and return to his country when his visit is over. These ties are commonly family, job, ownership of property, investments, or other intangible connections to one's country of citizenship. With no job or savings or property in Kenya, and with his spouse and child in the UK, UKVI will conclude that he does not actually intend to return to Kenya, and that a visitor visa is a pretext for entering and staying in the UK with his wife and child. It is very unlikely he'd be successful in obtaining a visitor visa.
Finally, and again: this is a complicated subject. There are exceptions and variations (some are mentioned on the UK government web pages cited here) that aren't discussed in even this wordy Answer. Rather than trusting the views of random people on the net, you should consider a consultation with a UK solicitor familiar with the UK immigration process. This is a regulated profession in the UK, and you'll find several Stack Exchange - Travel and Stack Exchange - Expatriate threads that list the web portals for the licensing organizations.