I understand that if I move to another country, my good credit history in the United States will not be recognized. But this leads to a chicken-and-egg issue: if no one will give me credit, how can I develop a good history in the new country?
Specifically, if my company moves me from the US to the UK for an assignment, I will want a sterling-denominated credit card and perhaps even to buy property. I would have a temporary address and proof of employment and income, and with that would be able to open an account with a UK bank. But what next?
I am advised to register for the electoral roll, but this does not apply to me as an American citizen. Next, I am advised to apply for credit I am likely to obtain, but none of those relocation guides I've seen actually describe what credit that might be— credit card? Line of credit? Margin account with a brokerage?
What is the best type of credit that an American expat should apply for to start building a credit history in the United Kingdom?