I am new to Switzerland (Suisse Romande, French speaking part) but I do hold a Swiss citizenship so I have to fill the same paper as all Swiss citizens.
Anyway I have to pay my health insurance (prime d'assurance maladie) but I have no idea how to do it, there are a few choices, I chose "bulletin de versement" thinking it would be easy but it seems that I cannot pay using only the 2 series of number they gave me.
I contacted the insurance saying I would like to pay by BVR (at La poste) or by payment card, they told me I can fill an empty BVR with the number they gave me with the bulletin de versement.
Anyone knows how to do it ? In this case can I pay with my card ? (last time I paid to La poste I could only pay in cash...)
Or better, anyone knows how I have to proceed to make a bank transfer or pay with a payment card ?
(keep in mind that the way to pay a bill is very different in Switzerland than in the rest of Europe so any answer from other European countries experience might no work here)