Germany has a classification known as
Klassifikation der Berufe 2010 (KldB 2010)
Which is produced by the Bundesagentur für Arbeit (German Federal employment agency). Previously there were two standards used in Germany, but since 2010 then this has been combined into this single standard.
This document in English provides more detailed information.
Or if preferred a simplified version in German:
A basic overview/introduction
There are 5 levels which are denoted by the length of the number used to define them.
- Level 1 = 10 Occupational Areas (1-digit code)
- Level 2 = 37 Occupational Main-Groups (2-digit code)
- Level 3 = 144 Occupational Groups (3-digit code)
- Level 4 = 700 Occupational Sub-Groups (4-digit code)
- Level 5 = 1,286 Occupational Types (5-digit code)
Which each level then going into more and more detail.
The first level, (1 digit code) comprises the following occupational areas:
- 1 - Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and horticulture
- 2 - Raw material extraction, production and manufacturing
- 3 - Construction, architecture, surveying and building technology
- 4 - Science, geography and computer science
- 5 - Traffic, logistics, protection and security
- 6 - Commercial services, goods trading, sales, hotel and tourism
- 7 - Business organization, accounting, law and administration
- 8 - Health, social issues, teaching and education
- 9 - Linguistics, literature, humanities, social and economic sciences, media, art, culture and design
- 0 - Military
Until you end up with a level such as
- 12 - Occupations in horticulture and floristics
- 121 - Horticulture
- 1210 - Occupations in horticulture (without specialisation)
- 12103 - Complex specialist activities, e.g. landscape technician
(All details taken from the sources above)