I am facing a very critical decision regarding my parent's recent visit to the United States. My parents generally come and visit me every year. They stay here with me for 3-4 months and then leave to go back to India.
However, 2020 is not a usual year and COVID has forced them to stay longer than then need/want to. Given the situation, I had already applied for their stay extension in June for a visa expiring in July 2020. From what I researched, my understanding is that as far as an extension has been filed, it is OK not to wait for the response and assume approval. Which is what I assumed and they are still staying with me.
Now, the COVID situation is still not resolved and I feel like, IF Possible, I would like to extend their stay for another 6 months. However, though, I am a little skeptical on if it is strictly allowed. I have already filed for one extension and assumed its approval. I do not want to put their visual in a situation where their immigration status comes under scrutiny for unnecessary means.
So I do have two specific questions:
- Is it possible to file for two visa extensions back to back? Especially in these circumstances?
- How safe is is it for me to assume that the first one was in fact accepted even before I file for the second one since I have not got any official correspondence from USCIS on this yet?
I also understand that lately USCIS is understaffed and their website says that I should expect a delayed response. What I am worried about is what would happen if what I am assuming to be a delayed response turns out to be a delayed rejection?