I am a third country national. I lived in Germany for 3.5 years. At that time, I was an employee (with an employment contract) at a research institute. Also the research worked allowed me to get a PhD degree in Germany. Based on the current law, my time in Germany + a German degree qualifies me for German PR. At that time, I had a simple work visa (Aufenthaltstitel).
However, after that time in Germany, I moved to Austria for job. I live right on the border with Germany, so living in Germany and working in Austria is not a big deal. However, the authorities at that time said without PR it wont be possible. Therefore, I moved to Austria and I have been working here for 2 years.
As my girlfriend (who is third country national, but will get German citizenship in a year) lives in Germany, we are thinking if I can stay with her on German side and keep working in Austria.
So this brings me to following questions:
- If I move back to Germany, while keeping the Austrian job, do my previous years in Germany count and give me a PR directly?
- If that does not work, can I still get German residence permit and still work in Austria? Here it does not say that I need to have a job in Germany: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/englisch_aufenthg/englisch_aufenthg.html
My aim is to get a Permanent Residence Permit or EU-Long Term residence permit and eventually get citizenship of a EU country (I am considering Austria or Germany due to my previous stays in these countries. However, getting citizenship of Germany is easier and faster.)