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Applying for a skilled work visa for the UK after a 5 year ban in Canada

I used an agency and they issued out a fake letter of admission of a school they were applying for me. This led to a five year ban to Canada. I plan to honestly disclose whatever happened in case I ...
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Schengen area ban and EU freedom of movement

This may be similar to the 5 year ban question earlier asked, but I believe there are some areas of divergence. Last year I got a 2 year ban for visa overstay in Denmark, my husband became a EU ...
Felis Debemni's user avatar
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Ramifications of abandoning USA adjustment of status or conditional residency after an unlawful overstay?

TLDR: just how screwed is the foreign spouse that overstayed and doesn't want a 10yr US travel ban? Do all paths short of keeping US residency in good standing lead to the ban? Indian citizen on a B-...
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