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Questions tagged [philippine-citizens]

Questions regarding issues specific to citizens of the Philippines.

4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Filipino wife going to Europe to live

I'm an Irish citizen currently living in Ireland. However I plan to relocate to Spain. Next year I plan to marry my Filipino girlfriend and we are going to live together permanently in Spain. I spoke ...
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Applying for a Type D (long stay) Schengen Visa for Belgium

I will be applying for a Type D (long stay) Schengen Visa for Belgium this September and I am from Philippines. A host family already contacted me to be their next au pair and we are now discussing ...
Louise's user avatar
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Schengen visa for Filipino same-sex fiance of a UK citizen living in Italy

I am a UK citizen. I wish to live in Italy, France or Spain and wish to enter into a same-sex civil union with my Filipino boyfriend, who is in the Philippines and has an aunt living legally in France....
Roy Brewington's user avatar
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In the Philippines, basically from what height is considered really tall for women?

In the Philippines, basically from what height is considered really tall for women? man's average is 5'4 so if she is over 5'4 basically judged so I think Do you think its correct?
ers ewr's user avatar