(Edited) I assume that you are asking if your wife could change her *Status of Residence* from "Temporary Visitor" (which includes Tourists) to one that of a "Dependent". The answer for that is "Yes, you can." However, since it takes about 1-3 months to process her application, she may want to apply *also* for a **Certificate of Eligibility** (CoE) when she makes the application for the change. This is because her "Temporary Visitor" *Status of Residence* may expire while waiting for the change to be approved. See [related post][1] and links below. [Application for Certificate of Eligibility][2] [Application for Change of Status of Residence][3] [1]: https://expatriates.stackexchange.com/questions/4372/is-it-possible-to-switch-from-tourist-visa-to-other-status-while-in-japan [2]: http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/english/tetuduki/kanri/shyorui/01.html [3]: http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/english/tetuduki/kanri/shyorui/02.html