>Isn't this day light robbery by German government ?

No, since the German government doesn't recieve the money at all (it only gives a financial garantie). 

>Do you recommend any service from Germany who can help me getting back money to India ?

Yes, contact the [Deutsche Rentenversicherung - Beitrags-Erstattung][bfa_rentenrückerstattung_de] that recieves the money. 

This will only be generally possible if no treaty exists about the transfer of pension contributions between the 2 countries. 

You can apply for a **Versicherungsverlauf**, which will list all of your contributions which may be usefull later. 

It seems that a treaty with India exists (see page [Deutsche Rentenversicherung - Homepage - Arbeiten in Deutschland und in Indien][bfa_d_indien_de]). 

The information there also suggests that applications for refunds (if you are eligible, which seems to be possible under certain conditions) can be made directly at a German consulate. 

Having the **Versicherungsverlauf** when contacting the consulate would simplify any application, since all relevant information is contained in the document. 

>Also why I don't get my employer's contributions as my employer has paid to the government on my behalf, if I wasn't working then my employer wouldn't have paid to German government.

The employer didn't pay on your behalf, it's part of **their** contribution to the pension system. 

Any refund will be based on your contributions, not thoses of others. 


- [Deutsche Rentenversicherung - Beitrags-Erstattung][bfa_rentenrückerstattung_de] 
   - [Deutsche Rentenversicherung - Ansprechpartner & Verbindungsstellen - Indien - Arbeiten in Deutschland und Indien][bfa_rentenrückerstattung_indien_de]
   - [Deutsche Rentenversicherung - Homepage - Arbeiten in Deutschland und in Indien][bfa_d_indien_de] 
- [Deutsche Rentenversicherung - FAQs - Versicherungsverlauf][bfa_versicheerungsverlauf_de] 

