Yes, that is correct.

Since 2020-01-01, the former **Berliner Ausländerbehörde** is called **Landesamt für Einwanderung**. It often takes time for such name changes to be used consistently and often even longer before many becomes aware or used to the name change. 

Since most towns (or county (**Kreis**)) in Germany have one for their areas of responsiblity, the name will often include the city, county name. 

Since the organization is done per state, each state may have a different name for the authority:

- Ausländerbehörde
- Ausländeramt
- Zentrale Ausländerbehörde


- [Ausländerbehörde – Wikipedia][auslaenderbehoerde_wiki_de] 
- [Namenswechsel: Berliner Ausländerbehörde ist jetzt Einwanderungsamt | rbb24][auslaenderbehoerde_rbb_de] 
