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Non-immigrant divorce in USA

In the US divorce is a matter for state law, but generally it is possible to divorce in the US if your spouse lives at a US address at the time the divorce is filed. It is often possible to divorce in ...
Dennis's user avatar
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EEA Family permit no longer valid after a divorce and got a 6 months stamp on the border. Any advice on what to do next?

For people who finds themselves in the same situation, here's what happened. I was able to send my application to Home Office to "retain rights of residence'' from within the UK and was granted for 5 ...
Nysa's user avatar
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EEA Family permit no longer valid after a divorce and got a 6 months stamp on the border. Any advice on what to do next?

on Visas when you separate or divorce 1. Tell the Home Office You must tell the Home Office when you divorce or separate from your partner if your visa is based on your ...
Sayed A.'s user avatar
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What will happen to a Green Card holder after getting a divorce?

Nothing happens. Once she becomes a US permanent resident (i.e. green card holder), her status is not dependent on anyone else's status, nor on her relationship with anyone else. She can remain a ...
user102008's user avatar
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Can a non-Indian spouse claim rights/share in Indian financial establishments/properties on divorce?

Property division in a divorce is handled by the court in the jurisdiction where the divorce is granted. However, it's possible that if an Indian citizen is divorced overseas, a transfer of that ...
DavidRecallsMonica's user avatar
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Will I lose my green card after divorce?

If you immigrate by being petitioned by a US citizen or permanent resident, and you have been married for less than 2 years on the date you become a permanent resident, you will become a conditional ...
user102008's user avatar
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US H-1B visa; will it be rejected if I am divorced?

Your past marriage has no bearing on your H1b eligibility, neither positive nor negative. They will not reject your visa application just because you've been divorced.
littleadv's user avatar
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Proving Divorced Status

Apply for a new copy of the divorce certificate at the competent district or family court that issued the original divorce certificate. Depending on which family court is responsible, it may be ...
Mark Johnson's user avatar
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Does USCIS accept divorce from Iran if you have dual citizenship

You should talk to an attorney. Generally, you don't need to get divorced in a separate process in every country you've lived in, but for the divorce to be valid the court/authority granting it must ...
littleadv's user avatar
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Married but separated without divorce. What should I write in the application form?

"Legally separated" means that you're officially separated. It is intended for situations when a legal divorce is undesirable. For example, if the couple's religion prohibits divorce, or if ...
littleadv's user avatar
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Can a f-2 visa holder request for status termination to re-marry a US citizen?

You cannot be married to two different people in the US, it's a crime (it doesn't matter where you've gotten married). So you'll have to divorce your current spouse (the F-1 holder), and as a ...
littleadv's user avatar
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EEA Family permit no longer valid after a divorce and got a 6 months stamp on the border. Any advice on what to do next?

The correct page for your case is Apply for a UK residence card, where, under Eligibility, it notes the circumstances entitling one to a retained right of residence. Retained rights of ...
phoog's user avatar
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moving to Germany to stay closer to my children

I tried to apply for a family reunion visa only to make an officer extremely puzzled over my situation. She needed to consult (at length!) with her colleagues and her supervisor to get back to me and ...
YePhIcK's user avatar
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Will F-2 visa holder lose her/his status the day s/he files divorce/summery dissolution?

Generally, the two people remain legally married until the divorce is final. So the F-2 spouse can continue to be on F-2 status while the divorce is pending. And neither spouse can re-marry while the ...
user102008's user avatar
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What happens after divorcing EEA partner in the UK?

As far as your status is concerned, article 13 of the withdrawal agreement extends EU freedom of movement rights defined in directive 2004/38/EC to people in your situation: Family members who are ...
Relaxed's user avatar
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May an F-2 visa holder marry inside the US with a US citizen/green card holder without ending the previous marriage?

May an F-2 visa holder marry inside the US with a US citizen/green card holder without ending the previous marriage? No. If someone with F-2 visa status comes to the US, then wants to marry with a ...
user102008's user avatar
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Getting divorced in the UK but the spouse is living abroad

You can fill in the divorce petition or dissolution application with their current, or last known, address. You’ll have to pay a £593 court fee. Source: ...
Traveller's user avatar
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Applied for French citizenship but am getting a divorce

Question: Did I lose my right to get French citizenship? In principle, as @phoog explained, the date that matters is the date you submitted your déclaration. Usually that would be the day you ...
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Does USCIS accept divorce from Iran if you have dual citizenship

Here are some BIA precedents regarding the effect of the location of the divorce on the validity of divorce for immigration: Matter of Dagamac, Matter of Levine, Matter of Moncayo, Matter of Ma. The ...
user102008's user avatar
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Must we show our prenup agreement to the immigration office/officer?

Pre-nuptial agreements are common in the US. Having one is not of itself a problem in a green card application, nor in a marriage. Their existence is not published, nor made available to any ...
DJClayworth's user avatar
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Should foreigners file divorce in the US if they would do it in their home country's embassy in the US?

1- Should the dependent person (F-2 visa holder in this case) leave the US as soon as the divorce is accepted in their home country? "Accepted" means finalized? Then yes, since your ...
littleadv's user avatar
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What forms to submit to change the class from IR6 (through marriage) to another (divorced)?

No. Your class of admission won't change. The code reflects how you got permanent residency, and a later divorce doesn't change that.
user102008's user avatar
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Will I keep the French nationality after divorce?

According to the law, if you end your marriage within 12 months of acquiring citizenship, it is assumed that you presented your case for naturalization in a fraudulent manner. Does this apply to all ...
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