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Timeline for My uk visa got refused

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Jan 4, 2017 at 14:10 comment added Quora Feans @phoog: Two bits; Though e-tickets by far the norm for air travel, paper persists. It's pretty common to ask for travel confirmation. The OP was probably asked.
Jan 4, 2017 at 14:02 comment added phoog @QuoraFeans yes, there is an exception: you should send bookings if you are specifically asked to do so. That circumstance is implied neither in the question not the answer, which incorrectly advises to send them in the absence of such a request. I am therefore beginning to suspect that you misunderstand the guidance. Furthermore, I don't understand what you mean by not sending the ticket itself: nobody gets paper tickets anymore, so doing that is essentially impossible.
Jan 4, 2017 at 13:40 comment added Quora Feans @phoog: yes, but you are wrong at assuming that you never have to include travel booking/agent confirmation. The official source:… Just don't send the ticket itself.
Jan 4, 2017 at 12:18 comment added phoog @QuoraFeans ECOs are explicitly instructed not to consider documents that are submitted in spite of their being on the "do not include" list.
Jan 4, 2017 at 11:49 comment added Quora Feans @phoog: the application instructs applicant not to include the ticket, but a proof of it it's fine. They are advised to be in possession of a return ticket. A few of the airline consolidation sites allow you to book a ‘proposed’ itinerary for the purpose of going back to it at a later date. travel agents can 'block' a flight ticket for you without actually booking them and the details of this flight can be provided for you visa application
Jan 3, 2017 at 22:03 comment added phoog @QuoraFeans how can it help your application to include something that you have been explicitly instructed not to include?
Jan 3, 2017 at 17:13 comment added Quora Feans @phoog: proof of a return ticket is helpful, although not mandatory. It's a further bit of evidence that his intention is not to overstay his visa.. In this case it won't be enough to tip the balance to his advantage, I'm afraid.
Oct 28, 2016 at 20:57 comment added phoog Tickets are not helpful. The application guidance specifically instructs applicants not to submit them, so an applicant who does submit them is advertising a disregard of the guidance. Why do they say not to submit tickets? Because showing that you have a ticket is not the same as showing that you intend to use it. An intending immigrant could purchase a round-trip ticket and discard the return portion; in many cases, this is even less expensive than buying a one-way ticket.
Oct 28, 2016 at 20:50 review Late answers
Oct 28, 2016 at 22:00
Oct 28, 2016 at 20:31 history answered Avra CC BY-SA 3.0