Can I start the process of registering with a Krankenkasse (German statutory health insurance fund) before I have a German address?
EU-Bürger, die in Deutschland als Arbeitnehmer angestellt werden, sollten sich rechtzeitig vor Arbeitsbeginn um eine Mitgliedschaft in einer Krankenkasse kümmern.
Translated in English:
EU citizens, that are employed in Germany, shall take care of membership of a statutory health insurance fund in time before the start of employment.
My future employer has stated essentially the same.
The form on does allow for people moving from abroad (example), where I can fill in that I need to join because I was formerly insured abroad. But the form appears to require a German address. I know my future employer and their address, but I don't have a German address yet (and wasn't planning on having one until some days before I start working, and not a long-term address until a while after I start working). Is not having a (permanent) German address (=registration with Meldebehörde) an obstacle for the registration with a Krankenkasse?