As a refugee, you don't really need anything to be reversed. You can simply approach a consulate from your country of origin, apply for a new passport and go there. You will de facto lose your status in your current country of residence, either because applying for a passport implicitly means you do not need protection anymore or simply because spending a long time abroad eventually leads to losing your status as a resident.
As far as the country of residence is concerned, there is also a process to force (ex-)refugees out. Details might differ a bit but in practice, you would typically have some form of residence permit that needs to be renewed every 1-3 years. Every time it's up for renewal, the relevant agency will reevaluate your status. And even a slight improvement in the situation in your country of origin, well short of the full-blown reconciliation/stabilisation you describe, might be enough to put it in jeopardy. If your permit is denied, you might eventually be forcibly removed. As an example, Germany organised the return of several tens of thousands of former refugees to the Balkans, Afghanistan or Iraq in recent years.
Note that many refugees, especially those who are more successful in securing a job, learning the language, etc. will move to another status within 5-10 years (long-term residence of some kind, naturalisation). Things are different in that case, you might be safe against any kind of removal or able to go back to your country of origin without losing your status in the country where you found protection. But the details vary quite a bit, even between European countries.