I have a very good opinion of public services in the UK, maybe because I come from Southern Europe, where the public sector can be agonisingly inefficient. What astounds me is the ludicrous GP service provided by the NHS. Going to my GP practice means finding always a different doctor I have never met before, then explaining them who I am and why I came, with the disheartening certainty I will have to go though the very same process again when I am back for a follow-up visit. Why? Because I will find another random guy who hasn't got a clue of who I am, and I cannot reject them in favour of another one who happens to be nicer and more competent.
There is no bloody way this pathetic excuse of a healthcare can work. I am already starting to choose to neglect my health problems rather than interacting with that inane assembly line.
What are my options? In the country I come from the GP is not this sort of demotivated and dull automaton: she or he has an empowered role and effectively devises a long-term strategy for dealing with the patients and their needs. Even though one doctor has many patients, each patient has one and exactly one doctor.
Where can I reproduce this coherent scenario here in the UK? Would private GP practices do, or I am basically screwed and this is the way Britons think they take care of themselves?