My visa application for a study permit has been refused yesterday.
They are citing the reason that
- I won't leave Canada after my stay because of my current employment situation.
- My plan and progression of study don't make any sense.
I am planning to submit the visa application again.
What points do I need to work on to make sure that I am not refused for the second time?
What am I applying for?
I am applying for study permit. I have an acceptance from a canadian university to study CS Masters by thesis program. My target is to get a Ph.D. But, the accptance I have right now, is for a Masters by research program.
What did I submit along with my visa application?
My financial papers, marriage certificate, ...
I have strong family ties. My wife and daughter are in my country, I supplied my family photo, and I clearly described that I want to get back to my country after my Masters. But, I didn't tell them that I want to do a Ph.D. in Canada. Coz, I thought that may complicate the situation. But, still, they refused me.
What is my current employment situation?
I left my job because of stress and went to a non-English speaking country for study. I don't have a job and I don't have any plan to do any job anytime soon in the future.
What is my academic situation?
I came to the country 'X' to (1) escape my then stressful job, (2) to get prepared for a Ph.D.
But, then, I understood that (1) the academia of that country 'X' is tough to suit for me because of the difference in highereducational culture, and language. (2) the higher education of that country 'X' is considered inferior to Canada/North America.
So, my Masters program is half done, and even if I can't get to Canada, I don't intend to finish my study here.