You need an immigration lawyer ASAP. You might have a permanent bar to entering the USA. For you own benefit ignore any answer that seeks to downplay the seriousness of your situation.
Aliens Unlawfully Present after Previous Immigration Violations
B) Section 212(a)(9)(C)(i)(I) of the Act - The Permanent Bar
This provision renders an individual inadmissible, if he or she has
been unlawfully present in the United States for an aggregate period
of more than one (1) year, and who enters or attempts to reenter the
United States without being admitted.
An alien, who is inadmissible under section 212(a)(9)(C)(i)(I) of the
Act is permanently inadmissible;
In your case your attorney could argue your subsequent visits under ESTA were with inspection and hence you do not have a permanent bar. The problem is that even then they may start tolling the ten year bar for you starting from your last entry, not when you left in 2007.
Also ESTA requires you to answer some questions, including have you been previously removed from the USA. If you answered no, that would be fraud and thus that also brings its own bar for fraud/willful misrepresentation.which is also permanent.
Overview of Fraud and Willful Misrepresentation
The person will be barred from admission for the rest of his or
her life unless the person qualifies for and is granted a waiver
There are waivers for that however they are hard to qualify for. See a qualified immigration attorney ASAP. What I fear might happen is that last year when you went and were refused based on the 10 year bar, the consular officer was simply kicking the can down the road regarding your unlawful entries on ESTA and that when that ten year bar supposedly runs out and you apply again, you will then get hammered for those entries and they will go into the detailed law for consequences of those entries. They probably didn't want to deal with that complexity now.
I personally know a person who in 2008 entered the USA unknowingly on an automatically voided visa because they had overstayed by a couple days on a previous visit. Now this person did not even have a bar like in your case, however they got into a world of hurt subsequently with USCIS. Your case is akin to entering on an automatically voided visa PLUS having an existing and in force bar.