I currently reside in the Netherlands as a scientific researcher. I have a valid residence card and employment contract. There are some prospects for me to begin a PhD at a large university here. However I would like to make sure that this will not jeopardize my ability to obtain Dutch citizenship in the next few years. In my current understanding and according to the IND website Naturalization requires that one reside in the Netherlands for an uninterrupted period of at least 5 years.
However this only encompasses individuals with a valid residence permit for "non-temporary purposes of stay...at the time of the naturalization ceremony". The definition of "temporary" versus "non-temporary" is given by this link.
The link lists "Study" as a "Temporary" purpose of stay. I therefore have two questions:
Does a fully funded, 5-year technical PhD count as mere "study"? May I use 5 years as a PhD to justify citizenship?
If not, can an individual still apply for citizenship after the end of the PhD? Say for example I finished my PhD in 4 years and then secured a job, continuing to live in the Netherlands for another year under a regular employment contract. Would the years spent as a PhD candidate accrue and count as regular residency?
Thanks and look forward to your answers.