In some states in the world, collecting unemployment benefits (assuming you're at all eligible for them) requires physically reporting in to some government office / employment service bureau - on a regular basis (even once a week). In other states, it's the opposite: You can collect your unemployment benefit for months without as much as laying eyes on a relevant government employee - all through the Internet.
My question: Which European states have which reporting requirements for collecting unemployment benefits?
States I already know about:
- Iceland: Once a month (Wikipedia,org)
- Netherlands: No physical reporting requirement (by default) if you report through the relevant website.
- UK: Once every two weeks (Gov.UK) <- not brexited just yet...
Note: Of course there are often different cases and different requirements, e.g. if you're disabled you might not be required to report as often or at all; and there may be discretionary reporting requirements in some cases and so on. I'm asking about the default scenario.