I have Italian citizenship. I have been living in the UK for about 1.5 years and I did not subscribe to AIRE (the Registry of Italians Resident Abroad).
At first, it was because I wasn't sure how long I would stay abroad (6 months probation at work), then because I received the wrong info that it was not necessary. Also, I didn't want to lose the option of going to my doctor in Italy during holidays.
In order to enroll in AIRE I would have had to take a couple of days off to travel to London and complete the request at the consular office (the online process wasn't available yet). Furthermore I also had to change apartment and so the confirmation letter would have been sent to the wrong address. Another reason for not applying before was that I was supposed to transfer to another office (in the States, so another address change). Eventually, I enrolled online, and it takes 6-8 months for this new online request to be processed.
I recently made my taxes declaration 2015 (late as usual paying a small fee - 25€) and found out that I have to pay the difference between the British taxes and the Italian ones. I started working abroad in 2015 and continued through 2016, so I'm not covered for 6 months + 1 day under AIRE. Therefore, for 2015 and 2016, I will end up paying thousands of euro (PS. a total of 7.000 €) just because I didn't enroll in AIRE.
Is it possible to DEMONSTRATE THAT I HAVE BEEN LIVING ABROAD according to everyday debit card payments, work contract, rent contract, bills, etc and therefore ask for a refund?