Linked Questions

8 votes
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Grandfather served in the French army for 4.5 years: Can I get French nationality?

I am Indian citizen and my grandfather served in the French army for 4.5 years in France in second world war time. My grandfather registered only my paternal uncle as French citizen and he is ...
Djea Isaivendhan's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the simplest way for a Canadian to obtain EU citizenship?

I have a Canadian citizenship and currently live in the UK with the YMS visa. I was wondering what is the simplest way to get a citizenship to be able to live/work in the EU. I'd like to move here ...
jpmonette's user avatar
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4 votes
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French citizenship when born abroad to a naturalised French citizen

My mother was born outside of France but moved to France as a child and became a citizen. Her ancestry is not French. When she was 18, she moved to the US, which is where I was later born. She has not ...
user11748's user avatar
4 votes
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My deceased father was a French citizen, I was born in the U.S. Can I become a French citizen?

My father immigrated to France from Poland in 1973 with his family when he was 13 and became a French citizen. He them came to the U.S. in 1978 and became a U.S. citizen in the late 90's. He was a ...
Jim's user avatar
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Am I A Legal French Citizen?

My grandfather Jean Jacques Mialocq, was born Oct. 11, 1859 in Maslacq, France to two French citizens. My father, Urbain Leopold “Frenchy” Mialocq, born in San Francisco in 1914, was a dual French/...
Frenchy's user avatar
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3 votes
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French Citizenship and article 30-3 of the Civil Code

My father was born to a French woman but adopted shortly after birth by Americans. My father died young, before the expiration of the 50 year restriction mentioned in 30-3 of the civil code. I am only ...
Emmanuel's user avatar
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My father is applying for French citizenship through descent. Can I then do so?

My grandmother was born in France, and moved to the US where she had my father. My father, a US citizen, is applying for French citizenship through descent as his mother did not renounce her French ...
wonderoustree's user avatar
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Request for French Nationality

My father had a French passport. His nationality in the passport was French. My family and I live in Yemen currently. Now after the death of my father, are I, my brother and my sisters eligible to ...
Abdulhaleem Abdulkareem Abdulh's user avatar
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Recognizing French nationality through my mother

Thank you ahead of time for reading this and helping me understand if I can claim French nationality for me and potentially my children through my mother's nationality. I've read a number of the ...
tca90's user avatar
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Can I acquire French citizenship through my father without his help?

I'm 22 years old and I was born and grew up in Hungary. A few weeks ago, I found out that my father could have acquired French citizenship (in the years before I became 18), because his mother, my ...
Bendegúz Szabó's user avatar
2 votes
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French Citizenship when my mother died very young

My grandfather was born in France but moved to Canada. His daughter, born in Canada, was my mother. Was my mother a French citizen? I have read that children of French citizens automatically receive ...
Allan du Manoir de Juaye's user avatar
3 votes
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Mother naturalized in US in 1951. Was a French citizen. I was born in 1952. Can I claim French citizenship?

My mother was born in France in 1925. She emigrated to the U.S. in 1948 and naturalized in 1951 after she married my father, an American citizen. I was born in 1952. Any idea if I can claim French ...
Veronica M Buxton's user avatar