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I'm an Italian; can my wife stay in Italy for 6 months without establishing residency?

Ciao amici! I am an Italian citizen residing in the United States. My wife is an American. Our marriage is transcribed in Italy and at my consulate in the US. We want to return to Italy this year for ...
HuskaBean's user avatar
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AIRE processing while on UK temporary visa [closed]

My girlfriend is Brazilian and is finishing obtaining her Italian citizenship. She is currently in the UK under a temporary 6 months visa (currently on the 2nd month). Her Italian Citizenship is ...
FernandoH's user avatar
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Non-EU citizen living in the UK, moving to Italy with Italian husband

I hope someone can help with a step-by-step explanation as I haven't got a clear understanding as a result of my communication with Turkish and Italian consulates. I am a Turkish national. I've been ...
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