Kindly advise. I made the mistake of not renewing my permesso di soggiorno for students for 2 years. I had a huge school fee balance and I couldn't renew without showing exams, which required me clearing the fee balance that had accumulated.

I worked and managed to pay the fee in full, and I have done exams - only 2 exams and my thesis remain. The problem is that I now want to try to renew, but I'm scared. Could anyone advise me on what to do? I understand I'm in a huge mess. I just don't know what to do.


1 Answer 1


If your permesso is expired, you are actually overstaying.

Doing anything to your file may raise alarm bells, and get you kicked out of the country/deported. Also, overstaying for that long is REALLY BAD for your immigration future in most countries.

It is crucial you contact an immigration lawyer for advice

  • 1
    Thank you, Nicolas. I will for sure contact a lawyer. Because I just to finish my studies and move back home. My intention is not to live here.
    – kate
    Commented Jan 3 at 13:07
  • @kate Doing anything without a lawyer specializing in immigration law is a recipe for absolute disaster in your case Commented Jan 3 at 13:22
  • Thank you very much.
    – kate
    Commented Jan 3 at 13:36

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