I recently received an attestation d'accueil from my local City Hall. This is to invite my mother and father from India to France for a short visit of less than 90 days.

I have received ONE attestation d'accueil (ADA) in which both my parents' details have been mentioned. The ADA looks like this (sample pdf).

I noticed only today that a separate interview needs to be scheduled for each family member as per VFS-France-India

Q:13- We are a family of three. How many appointments do I schedule?

One appointment per person has to be scheduled.

Does this mean that I need to provide my mother and father separate ADAs?

1 Answer 1


The law (technically a réglement, not a loi but it's “the law” in English all the same) clearly specifies that your parents can be on the same attestation. From the Code de l'entrée et du séjour des étrangers et du droit d'asile:

Article R211-15

Le conjoint et les enfants mineurs de dix-huit ans de l'étranger accueilli peuvent figurer sur l'attestation d'accueil souscrite à son profit.

This implies that you shouldn't need to pay for another attestation and obviously the form is also designed for that. But I have no idea how VFS handles this in practice. Hopefully, providing copies and explaining the situation will be enough.

  • Thank you for your reply. The form does make allowance for a spouse. I assume that the information you have here is from legifrance?
    – dearN
    Commented Oct 2, 2014 at 9:10
  • @drN Yes, I added your link to my answer, thanks! Technically, I should have specified it's an article from the CESEDA. In France, this unambiguously identifies a particular piece of legislation, which can be found on legifrance but also elsewhere.
    – Gala
    Commented Feb 21, 2015 at 19:43

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