My close friend is considering moving to the U.K.- well, England actually. She's here in Parkersburg, Western Virginia, USA (where I'm from) right now but was considering moving to the UK following a rather nasty breakup (too long to go into detail on that, complicated story). She's 32, and has a Canadian mom, dad born here, so technically dual U.S./Canadian citizenship IIRC (AFAIK she has both). She was born in Canada but lived here since she was five. I've known her since she was 13 (if it's relevant).
Anyway, she's wanted to move to the UK for a long time now; she's visited several times since she was about 15-16, seen a lot of areas (not just London and Buckingham Palace) and was considering moving to one of these cities:
She's visited these areas when going to the U.K. so knows them - OK, not that well, but at least knows the basics of where it is on Google maps (roads, malls etc.).
She's told me that she's got no romantic ideals about the U.K. - she knows it's not going to be easy nor cheap to live there.
My friend does have skills which would be relevant in the U.K. - she has IT qualifications and some other ones as well (AFAIK it was maths and some business-y related stuff) but now the "Brexit" has come (I saw CNN's Robyn Curnow and Becky Anderson discussing this a few days ago) how would it affect her in terms of immigration? In terms of wealth, she's middle-class (don't know if owning a big Chevy SUV with a V8 and a Chrysler 300 sedan and a large house counts as wealthy or not).
AFAIK Kelly Evans from CNBC is an expat or was an expat in the UK but I think the info's outdated. Not certain though. Wikipedia claims she is but this is unreliable given that it's Wikipedia...
I know immigration is a hot-button issue in England (but would my friend face anti-immigration sentiment for being American)?
She said she wanted to keep her U.S./Canadian citizenship and gain British citizenship too so she can still visit home and Canada (her mom's Canadian, grandparents are Canadian, as are some of her cousins).
Anyway, would she face too many problems as an expat there and would it be easy for her to get a job? She said she would have moved years ago if the U.K didn't have onerous visa restrictions on Americans working there and said she hopes the "Brexit" will work and that she could get a job there.
I know there has been dollar-pound instability etc. as a result of this "Brexit" and AFAIK it'll be two years before everything's known about it.
She's gone on vacation now so that's why I'm asking on her behalf.
My basic question is... would it be easy for my friend to move to the U.K. with all the Brexit issues and immigration as hot-button topic in the U.K.?