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Questions tagged [south-korea]

Living in South Korea as an expatriate.

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Digital Nomad Visa in South Korea and difference with a normal working Visa

I've just learnt about the Digital Nomad Visa and I was checking if South Korea has it. Apparently is the F-1-D visa. I wonder if there's any difference with a normal working visa (from what I can ...
user8469759's user avatar
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Can a South Korean PhD student completing their military service as part of their Ph.D. degree do an internship in the United States?

Can a PhD student in South Korea, South Korean citizen and completing their military service as part of their Ph.D. degree do an internship in the United States? Background: In South Korea, PhD ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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How am I supposed to undergo diagnostics COVID-19 test within three days after entering South Korea?

I read on website of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the USA (mirror): (sorry for the low resolution, that's the original resolution...) How am I supposed to undergo diagnostics COVID-19 test ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar