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Jobs that start on H4 EAD and can sponsor an H1B visa in the long term

What jobs can I pursue on an H4 EAD that will lead to an H1B sponsorship in the long term? My motivation for getting a job is to support my family in the US from an immigration standpoint. My husband ...
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Stamp date in passport is identical to passport expiry date

We went to India in June for vacation from the US. When we came back to US, the immigration officer put a date in my daughter's passport: 12 December 2017, as her passport was valid until that date. ...
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My husband's getting a H1B visa, can I expect any type of work permit in USA?

What kind of visa can I acquire in this situation? Which steps can I now make to get a visa with which I can work full time in the USA?
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What are the consequences of recent US immigration reform for high-skilled (technology) workers?

On the immigration reform enacted by President Obama, BBC News writes (emphasis mine): The question, of course, is just how much the US economy could benefit from President Obama's proposal, which ...
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