I live in the US and sometimes have to call French phone numbers. Numbers starting with +331
or +339
are landlines, but I'm facing issues with +338
numbers: How can I know ahead of time the price of a call via Google Voice from the US to France for a +338
https://voice.google.com/rates (mirror) says:
and I'm having issue matching it with what I see on https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Num%C3%A9ro_surtax%C3%A9_en_France&oldid=175712171#La_r%C3%A9forme_des_services_%C3%A0_valeur_ajout%C3%A9e_(SVA):
For example, if I call +3389
, how do I know whether Google Voice will bill me at 0.15 USD/minutes, 0.28 USD/minutes or 1 USD/minutes?