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How can I smog check my car on Vancouver Island to renew my California Vehicle Registration?

I just moved to Vancouver Island, Canada from California a little over a month ago. I just received the letter for the registration renewal which also says I need a STAR certified smog check for it. I ...
Seiji's user avatar
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Reverse incomplete car importation before car is registered and ownership is transferred

My brother (Canadian) wanted to give me his car so he drove to the US (I'm American) and went to the CBP to import the car to the US. The title was, and still is, in his name (I was not involved in ...
Everyone's user avatar
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How can I drive a US purchased and financed car in Canada for 2 years?

I am moving from US to Canada. I hold a Canadian work permit and will work in Ontario for 2 years. I've recently financed a car in the US and I'd like to bring it to Canada. I'm aware of the fact ...
Polymorphic's user avatar
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Buy a new Volvo in Canada and import into US

I just moved to Canada from the U.S. I have Permanent Residency in Canada. I would like buy a new Volvo in Canada and return with it when I snowbird in the U.S. My research so far is that I will ...
Be Kind To New Users's user avatar
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How easy is it to find a manual car in North America?

I'm considering moving to the US or Canada and know that I will almost definitely have to buy a car to live there, but, for reasons I needn't expound, I feel extremely unsafe driving a car with an ...
errantlinguist's user avatar
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How do I buy and import a car from Canada to the US?

I'm a US citizen and I live in Ontario, Canada with a student visa. My car from the US was totaled. Insurance has written me a check and since I have no transportation (for instance, to go to MI to ...
Insane's user avatar
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Can I return my Canadian leased Volkswagen car in USA?

I have Volkswagen car lease in Canada, which should finish soon. But now I live and work in US. Can I return car here to VW or I should go to Canada? Actually I asked in VW dealership, but they said ...
Alexan's user avatar
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buying car in USA with Canadian driver licence

If I live in USA now, but have a Canadian driver licence, can I buy and register car here or I need to register and get car insurance in Canada? I works in US by TN visa. I applied for SSN, but didn'...
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