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5 votes

Buy a new Volvo in Canada and import into US

I’m a retired California attorney. While I practiced, I represented several private vehicle importers. While my knowledge isn’t current, the little research I did to prepare this answer shows the ...
DavidRecallsMonica's user avatar
4 votes

Can we buy a car in the EU as American citizens?

In France, it is possible for tourists to lease a "transit temporaire" vehicle. This is a scheme whereby a new car for use by non-residents can be registered tax free, and is then rented to for a ...
MJeffryes's user avatar
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4 votes

How easy is it to find a manual car in North America?

In the US, not so easy to find except for sports cars or very low end. You will not find a US high or middle market sedan or SUV with a manual transmission. Having said that, American, Japanese ...
Bruce's user avatar
  • 41
3 votes

Reverse incomplete car importation before car is registered and ownership is transferred

After a bunch of phone calls, a visit to the DMV, and another bunch of phone calls here is what I got: 1) US-CBP (none importation/exportation expert): you need ITN and AES and you gotta export the ...
Everyone's user avatar
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3 votes

How easy is it to find a manual car in North America?

In general it's not a problem to find a manual car here in Canada. 8 years ago When I came over from Europe I got a used Hyundai Elantra. Kijiji lists ~95k automatic and ~15k manual cars for sale. But ...
Steffen Roller's user avatar
3 votes

How to buy a car without SSN for someone on a student/travelers visa

In California you can apply for a driver's license without a SSN if you can prove legal presence (e.g. an F visa) but are ineligible for a SSN. Once you become eligible for a SSN you must obtain one ...
Dennis's user avatar
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3 votes

Can a foreigner register a car in Baja California (Norte)?

I haven't read/seen a source for this yet, but a lawyer friend of a friend has told us the following: I cannot own/register a car in Mexico without a Mexico driver license. I can drive a Mexican ...
Midavalo's user avatar
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3 votes

Relocating to France with EU-registered car

Once you are deemed to be a resident, you're not allowed to drive a car registered abroad (except if the owner of the car is also present), otherwise it would be too easy to circumvent all the other ...
Gala's user avatar
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3 votes

Importing used car from Italy, how to get export plates

I asked the dealer in Italy the other day, who contacted the agency through which they do the registrations. Turns out EE plates have been abolished some time ago. Therefore the only options are: If ...
user149408's user avatar
3 votes

Expatriating to Switzerland with your own car

I am living in Liechtenstein, but the country shares the same customs law of Switzerland (Customs union). I moved here with my car, and I register at the custom as a moving item, so I paid no tax on ...
Magellan's user avatar
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3 votes

Can I use a Canada-licensed car for the NJ road test?

A vehicle licensed in Canada cannot be used for a New Jersey driving test. The New Jersey Driver's Manual says this on page 34: ROAD TEST CHECKLIST No practice driving is permitted on the test course ...
DavidRecallsMonica's user avatar
2 votes

Moving my car to Tijuana, Mexico from the US

Yucatan Expatriates Services posts the details on how to take your car into Mexico (including a print version). I have no affiliation with YES. How to Bring your Car into Mexico By Yucatan ...
Giorgio's user avatar
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2 votes

UK MoT, tax and insurance in Ireland

If you have an address in Uk and still are a UK resident, possibly here on temp work\contract, then the Customs will let you get away with it. If stopped, they will look up your tax records and see if ...
Ggalla1779's user avatar
2 votes

Entering the US with car using J-visa

The answer is yes, to both questions. To the second, of course you can leave your car in the US when going home for visits. It just needs to have met all the legal and regulatory requirements (tags, ...
Giorgio's user avatar
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2 votes

What are the most practical ways I can get a car for 6 months in Addis Ababa?

In the end, me and my girlfriend made a deal with a cab driver to drive us to work in the morning and back home in the evening. Reasons First and foremost, the traffic is quite different from what I'...
HenricF's user avatar
  • 207
2 votes

Driving a car in the UK which registered to a family member in another EU country

Per Hughes Guides, which publishes UK technical traffic & criminal legal guides: Foreign Vehicles in the UK by K. Mark Hughes Foreign registered vehicles from any country may be brought ...
Giorgio's user avatar
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2 votes

How should I transport a few cubic meters from TLV airport to where I live?

One option is renting a van. You would need either an Israeli driver's license in the appropriate category for the van's weight/size, or to rent from somewhere that offers a van+driver combination. ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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2 votes

What's the process for purchasing a used car in Austria?

The parts about buying, insurance, and the Vignette sound fine. Nothing important to add here imo. About the check by Öamtc etc.: Not exactly sure about the insurance requirements, but this is ...
deviantfan's user avatar
2 votes

How long can I drive a company EU-registered car in the UK?

Here is your answer : If you become a resident or stay for longer than 6 months you must register and tax your vehicle in the UK
Uksimple Peterborough's user avatar
2 votes

UK car registered in France

If the car is still registered, taxed and even insured in the U.K. as you indicate, who is going to ask questions? But set up an M.O.T. as soon as possible, and try to carry evidence of the booking. A ...
Peter Wolstenholme's user avatar
2 votes

How can I smog check my car on Vancouver Island to renew my California Vehicle Registration?

According to this California government web site, 4.4 My renewal notice says my vehicle needs a Smog Check but the vehicle is located out of state and will not be back for many months. It's too ...
mkennedy's user avatar
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How can I drive a US purchased and financed car in Canada for 2 years?

It is a principle of Westminster constitutions that whatever is not prohibited by law is permitted and the common law of the Anglosphere has long held that any ambiguity is resolved in favour of the ...
C'est Moi's user avatar
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2 votes

Taxes when importing a new car from Spain into France

It sounds about right. Beside VAT, you may also have to pay the “environmental surcharge” (“malus sur les véhicules les plus polluants”) depending on CO2 emissions. The system is designed to work that ...
Relaxed's user avatar
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1 vote

Car insurance during the move

You will have to ask your insurance broker (if you have one), or your insurance company directly. If you are not insured, you may be able to get a UK based policy through a broker. (I use A-Plan, and ...
Martin Bonner supports Monica's user avatar
1 vote

UK car registered in France

ANPR cameras at the UK ports and in Police Cars will flag the car up as no MOT very quickly and there will be other problems if you have SORNed it in the UK. The UK authorities have wide powers to ...
graham's user avatar
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1 vote

How easy is it to find a manual car in North America?

I haven't looked at the used car market in a long time but when I was car shopping in 2013 I started out looking at manuals. Everybody I looked at had some but only at the low end of the scale and ...
Loren Pechtel's user avatar
1 vote

Change in law? EU students and driving cars in the UK

On the page you linked it says: Students If you are a student in the United Kingdom from another EU country you: do not have to register your own car with the authorities ...
user1068122's user avatar
1 vote

How easy is it to find a manual car in North America?

In the US can buy used cars directly from the seller, from new car dealerships, used car dealerships, and from online marketplaces like (no affiliation). One of the nice things about ...
StrongBad's user avatar
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How easy is it to find a manual car in North America?

New car? Several models still come with manuals, including some very decent cars, e.g. the 2018 Honda Accord. Used? You'll have to do some digging, but they're out there. (I still drive a loaded ...
Jim MacKenzie's user avatar

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