Male US/Russian dual citizen returning to Russia at 28. Possible risks?
You are most likely safe. Since you have not been in Russia for 15 years, you certainly do not hold a pripisnoe svidetel'stvo. Normally, one obtains it in his later teens, when he registers with the ...
How to bring my Russian girlfriend to the UK?
Your options are:
Your girlfriend gets a visa in her own right to work in the UK. It has the major advantage from her point of view that if you split up, she already has a visa in her own right and ...
Will it be possible to vote in Russian constitutional referendum from abroad?
Correction to the accepted answer:
"открепительное удостоверение" is not needed, it is sufficient to have your passport. See, e.g., https://newyork.mid.ru/vybory-prezidenta-rossijskoj-federacii
All ...
Will it be possible to vote in Russian constitutional referendum from abroad?
is there usually a possibility to vote in such kinds of referendums
for Russian citizens residing abroad?
There were only two referendums in post-Soviet Russian history, both in 1993, so this ...
Should I worry about US F-1 visa if I am from Russia?
Diplomatic disputes rarely prevent citizens of any country from obtaining a US F-1 visa (see details on the most recent ban which is subject to a court injunction) but you might face extra delays in ...
Help with getting Spousal visa without Fiance Visa?
The UK has a procedure for people who have entered without an intention to marry and subsequently form an intention to marry while they are in the UK. That procedure requires notifying the Home ...
Aufenthaltserlaubnis expiry, waiting for passport renewal
Inform the immigration office that a new passport application has been made (with a copy of the application or the details showing when the application was made) and that it may not be issued on time ...
Russian citizen with citizenship and permanent residence in the UK, wanting to travel to Russia and not be conscripted to the military
Look to the article 8 of 53-FZ "О воинской обязанности и военной службе"
It claims that people living abroad of Russia should not be conscript to the military service. Residence abroad of ...
Russian citizen with citizenship and permanent residence in the UK, wanting to travel to Russia and not be conscripted to the military
If you worry about the legal side of things, you can travel within the Russia every 88 days or less (maybe to the neighbouring region to be sure), keep the last ticket on you, and this will count. In ...
Help with getting Spousal visa without Fiance Visa?
Unfortunately, you cannot get married while visiting the UK unless you hold a Marriage Visitor Visa, which is inappropriate for your partner, since she intends to live in the UK after marriage. The ...
Should I worry about US F-1 visa if I am from Russia?
Assuming that the current climate doesn't degrade into outright war, you should be fine. The most sanctions that US had taken so far against Russian individuals in recent years have been towards very ...
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