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7 votes

Eligibility for Dutch Passport or Nationality Certificate

I just wanted to follow up on this to provide some clarity for those who come across this question in their search through the complexities of the Dutch Nationality Law. Definitely the reason this ...
Brady W's user avatar
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6 votes

Dutch and French national got married in Sweden and are resident in the UK. Are they legally married in the UK for practical purposes?

Generally you just say you are married when anyone asks you, in most cases they will just simply believe you. If they need proof you just have to show them your foreign marriage certificate. If it ...
SztupY's user avatar
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How does the "must have had license for x years" requirement work when I renew or transfer my license?

I was not able to find information on the official site, but some people here mention that when they exchanged their licences for a UK one, the dates on the back of the licence reflected when they ...
dan1111's user avatar
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3 votes

Acquiring Dutch Nationality

Is this at all possible? Probably not. For your son to be a Dutch national, there must be an unbroken chain of Dutch nationality from your father, through you, to your son. There are provisions for ...
phoog's user avatar
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3 votes

Applying for the Dutch nationality (through naturalisation) outside of the Netherlands - which civic integration exams?

We finally got a response back from the Dutch embassy in London after over 2 weeks. The answer is this (I used Google translate as the response is in Dutch): Thanks for your email of July 25, 2017. ...
Shakestycoon's user avatar
3 votes

From which countries can Australian companies no longer sponsor candidates without testing the local labour market?

Labour market testing is the process sponsors have to go through to check there is no Australian suitable for a particular job before employing someone overseas. Labour market testing is required for ...
molypot's user avatar
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How can I find out whether my father was Dutch?

The embassy probably doesn't know whether your father had Dutch nationality when you were born, since the circumstances governing this could include any of several things that they wouldn't have known ...
phoog's user avatar
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2 votes

Dutch dual citizenship for an Australian

According to wikipedia your mother was Dutch when you were born because she was not an adult when she became a naturalized Australian (and so, I don't believe she lost her Dutch citizen). However, ...
Martin Bonner supports Monica's user avatar
2 votes

How can my daughter acquire Dutch citizenship?

Your daughter probably lost her Dutch nationality on 1 April 2013, 10 years after the dual nationality rule change in 2003. The rule that went into effect then is that a Dutch citizen who has other ...
phoog's user avatar
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2 votes

Dutch and French national got married in Sweden and are resident in the UK. Are they legally married in the UK for practical purposes?

The registration process you quoted from is only relevant to British citizens. All countries generally recognize marriages established other countries. (Excepting new stuff like gay marriages)....
Douglas Held's user avatar
2 votes

Applying for the Dutch nationality (through naturalisation) outside of the Netherlands - which civic integration exams?

By my reading of the requirements, your three-year marriage excuses you from the requirement to have lived in the Netherlands for five years, but it does not excuse you from the requirement to hold a ...
phoog's user avatar
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2 votes

EU Rights for Dutch nationals

Your husband can live with you very easily in any EU country other than the Netherlands by virtue of the directive 2004/38/EC. Thus, you can easily live together in Germany. To live together in the ...
phoog's user avatar
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1 vote

Remote Work for a German Employer While Residing in the Netherlands: Do I Need Additional Permits and a German Address?

Am I legally allowed to stay in the Netherlands and work remotely in Germany? You would actually be working remotely in the Netherlands. That's very simple and perfectly fine. The fact that it's for ...
Relaxed's user avatar
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When did my grandfather lose his Dutch nationality?

It's becoming increasingly important to find out when he lost his nationality. Article 15 (2)(c) came into force in 2000, therefore the exception allowed since then did not apply. Article 2 1. ...
Mark Johnson's user avatar
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Applying for the Dutch nationality (through naturalisation)

The wording is quite convoluted and I am not sure what the precise intent or legal basis for the IND's opinion are but it is quite clear that this article is not meant for your case. If it would apply ...
Relaxed's user avatar
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Can I join my boyfriend and move to Sweden if I am non-EU but he is Dutch?

Would I be allowed to join him there? Maybe. At article 3(2)(b), the directive includes among its beneficiaries "the partner with whom the Union citizen has a durable relationship, duly ...
phoog's user avatar
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Do I qualify as a "latent Dutch" person?

It would *appear so. has a 4 point test, that you qualify IF: Since 2010 Latent Dutch Citizens can obtain Dutch nationality by following the Option Procedure. Conditions:...
Mark Mayo's user avatar
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